A recent update to iThemes Security added notifications for Automatic Updates Info & Grade Report Change. By default, these send to all administrator accounts. As such, many of my clients began receiving notifications without my consent. Updating notification settings for iThemes Security has never been a pleasurable task, so I pulled together an assistant today to help me get the job done.

You can see below how this assistant allows me to quickly update my notification center settings by adding the ability to…
- toggle all notifications for a specified user
- toggle all notifications for all other users
- quickly enable/disable all notifications
- collapse/expand all and each section
(see this video for the more detailed walk-through)

All you need to do is add the following code to your site. If your username is the same across all sites, you can optionally add it here, so it will auto-fill in the notification center assistant. (Note: As a user of MainWP, I utilized their Code Snippets extension to quickly deploy the script to my sites. I’ve explained this distribution method here.)
I hope you are able to find this assistant useful. If it saves you some time, you’re welcome to applaud the author. Questions? You can most easily reach me at @uamv.
Update (August 2)
Today, iThemes issued an apology to users of iThemes Security Pro and announced that they have introduced additional features to the Notification Center which will greatly assist in management of your notifications. Even so, you may still find the script above useful. Here’s a peek at the apology and announcement…

I am very appreciative of their responsiveness in this matter. Thank you, iThemes!