WordPress Contributions

Over the past few years, I have been able to make a few small contributions to the WordPress community. In addition to a small core contribution to WP 4.2, I have developed several plugins and made them freely available in the plugin directory. If you would like to send token of thanks, you can do so here. I’d be very grateful!

You can also find a few plugins available on my Github account.

[wp-pic type=”plugin” slug=”glance-that/” layout=”wordpress” expiration=”0″ ajax=”yes” ]

[wp-pic type=”plugin” slug=”gravity-slider-fields/” layout=”wordpress” expiration=”0″ ajax=”yes” ]

[wp-pic type=”plugin” slug=”truth/” layout=”wordpress” expiration=”0″ ajax=”yes” ]

[wp-pic type=”plugin” slug=”seasonal-css/” layout=”wordpress” expiration=”0″ ajax=”yes” ]

[wp-pic type=”plugin” slug=”common-links/” layout=”wordpress” expiration=”0″ ajax=”yes” ]